9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业 Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing (LEVEL B) - 新移民攻略-加拿大
- 9 制造业和公用事业职业 / Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
- 92 加工、制造和公用事业监管人员和中心控制操作员 / Processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators
- 922 组装和制造业主管 / Supervisors, assembly and fabrication
- 9221 主管,机动车组装 / Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling(B)
- 9222 主管,电子制造业 / Supervisors, electronics manufacturing(B)
- 9223 主管,电气产品制造 / Supervisors, electrical products manufacturing(B)
- 9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业 / Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing(B)
- 9226 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造??业 / Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing(B)
- 9227 主管,其他产品的制造和装配 / Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly(B)
- 922 组装和制造业主管 / Supervisors, assembly and fabrication
- 92 加工、制造和公用事业监管人员和中心控制操作员 / Processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators
9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业 Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing - Imm2Ca NOC
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers who manufacture furniture and fixtures made of wood or other materials. They are employed in furniture and fixtures manufacturing establishments.
9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业头衔范例 Example Titles - Imm2Ca NOC
- 领班/男/女,书桌组装 foreman/woman, desk assembly
- 领班/男/女,家私组装 foreman/woman, furniture assembly
- 工头/男/女,木工机床操作员 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, woodworking machine operators – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 层压领班/男/女 laminating foreman/woman
- 主管,家具及固定装置制造业 supervisor, furniture and fixture manufacturing
- 主管,家具选手 supervisor, furniture finishers
- 主管,木工机床操作员 supervisor, woodworking machine operators
9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业主要职责 Main duties - Imm2Ca NOC
本单元组主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:
- 监督,协调和统筹安排工人如下活动,组装家具及固定任何材料,操作木工机械及按照指定的颜色完成家具 Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who assemble furniture and fixtures of any materials, operate woodworking machines and finish furniture to specified colour or finish
- 建立方法,以满足工作计划,并协调与其他部门的工作活动 Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments
- 解决工作中的问题和建议的工作措施,以提高生产效率和产品质量 Resolve work problems and recommend work measures to improve productivity and product quality
- 申报材料和用品 Requisition materials and supplies
- 培训工作人员的工作职责,安全程序和公司政策 Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policy
- 推荐人员行动,如聘用和晋升 Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions
- 准备生产和其他报告。 Prepare production and other reports.
9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业任职要求 Employment requirements - Imm2Ca NOC
- 通常需要完成中学。 Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 通常必需具备木工机床操作员,家具和灯具组装工,木匠或家具装订工经验。 Experience as a furniture and fixture assembler, woodworking machine operator, cabinetmaker or furniture finisher, is usually required.
9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Imm2Ca NOC
- 橱柜制造商 Cabinetmakers 7272
- 承包商和主管,木工行业 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades 7204
- 家具和夹具装配工和检查员 Furniture and fixture assemblers and inspectors 9532
- 家具装订工和整修工 Furniture finishers and refinishers 9534
- 主管以外的其他家具和灯具,木材加工木制品和木制品制造(主管,其他产品的制造和装配) Supervisors of millwork and wood product manufacturing other than furniture and fixture, and wood machining (in 9227 Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly )
- 木工机床操作员 Woodworking machine operators 9437
9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业职称头衔 All titles - Imm2Ca NOC
- 抛光和上漆领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 buffing and lacquering foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 椅子装配领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 chair assembly foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 台装配领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 desk assembly foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 整理客房领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 finishing room foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,抛光和上漆 - 家具及装设品制造业 foreman/woman, buffing and lacquering – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,橱柜装配和木材家具制造商 foreman/woman, cabinet assemblers and wood furniture makers
- 领班/男/女,椅子组装 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, chair assembly – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,装饰 - 家具及装设品制造业 foreman/woman, decorating – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,书桌组装 foreman/woman, desk assembly
- 领班/男/女,书桌组装 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, desk assembly – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,家私组装 foreman/woman, furniture assembly
- 领班/男/女,家私组装 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture assembly – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,家具部件打磨部 foreman/woman, furniture components sanding department
- 领班/男/女,家具选手 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture finishers – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,家具精加工 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture finishing – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,家具上浆 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture gluers – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,督察家具 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture inspectors – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,涂胶 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, gluing – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,层压 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, laminating – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,机械加工 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, machining – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,床垫制造 foreman/woman, mattress manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,金属家具装配 foreman/woman, metal furniture assembly
- 领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, paint department – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,刨床,车床,牛头刨床及相关木材加工工人 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, planers, turners, shapers and related wood-machining workers – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,饰面 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, veneering – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,饰店 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, veneering shop – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,木材加工工人 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, wood machining workers – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,木材砂光机 - 家具及装设品制造业 foreman/woman, wood sanders – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,锯木(锯木厂除外) foreman/woman, wood sawing (except sawmill)
- 领班/男/女,木材加工质量控制检查员 - 家具及装设品制造业 foreman/woman, wood-machining quality-control inspectors – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 领班/男/女,木工机械部 foreman/woman, woodworking machine department
- 工头/男/女,木工机床操作员 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, woodworking machine operators – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 家具及固定装置的生产主管 furniture and fixtures manufacturing supervisor
- 家具组装领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 furniture assembly foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 家具部件打磨部领班/男/女 furniture components sanding department foreman/woman
- 家具选手领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 furniture finishers foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 家具选手监督员 furniture finishers supervisor
- 整理领班/男/女的家具 - 家具及装设品制造业 furniture finishing foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 家具上浆机领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 furniture gluers foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 家具督察领班/男/女 furniture inspectors foreman/woman
- 胶合领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 gluing foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 层压领班/男/女 laminating foreman/woman
- 层压领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 laminating foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 加工领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 machining foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 床垫制造领班/男/女 mattress manufacturing foreman/woman
- 金属家具装配领班/男/女 metal furniture assembly foreman/woman
- 油漆部领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 paint department foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 刨床,车床,牛头刨床和相关的木材加工工人领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 planers, turners, shapers and related wood-machining workers foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 车间领班/男/女,饰面 - 家具及装设品制造业 shop foreman/woman, veneering – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 主管,家具及固定装置制造业 supervisor, furniture and fixture manufacturing
- 主管,家具选手; supervisor, furniture finishers
- 主管,木工机床操作员 supervisor, woodworking machine operators
- 主管,木工机床操作员 - 家具及固定装置的制造 supervisor, woodworking machine operators – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 饰面领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 veneering foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 饰店领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 veneering shop foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 木材加工工人领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 wood machining workers foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 木材砂光机领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 wood sanders foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 锯木的领班/男/女(锯木厂除外) wood sawing foreman/woman (except sawmill)
- 木材加工的质量控制检查员领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 wood-machining quality-control inspectors foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 木工机部领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 woodworking machine department foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- 木工机床操作员主管 - 家具及固定装置的制造 woodworking machine operators supervisor – furniture and fixtures manufacturing