6 销售和服务类职业 Sales and service occupations - 新移民攻略-加拿大
- 0 管理职位 / Management occupations
- 1 商业、财务和行政职位 / Business, finance and administration occupations
- 2 自然科学和应用科学及相关职业 / Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
- 3 卫生职业 / Health occupations
- 4 教育、法律和社会、社区和政府服务职业 / Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
- 5 艺术、文化、娱乐和体育职业 / Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
- 6 销售和服务类职业 / Sales and service occupations
- 62 零售销售主管及专业销售职业 / Retail sales supervisors and specialized sales occupations
- 63 服务主管和专业服务职业 / Service supervisors and specialized service occupations
- 631 服务主管 / Service supervisors
- 6311 餐饮服务主管 / Food service supervisors(B)
- 6312 执行开发部经理 / Executive housekeepers(B)
- 6313 住宿,旅游,旅游及相关服务,主管 / Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors(B)
- 6314 客户和信息服务监督员 / Customer and information services supervisors(B)
- 6315 清洁主管 / Cleaning supervisors(B)
- 6316 其他服务主管 / Other services supervisors(B)
- 632 大厨和厨师 / Chefs and cooks
- 633 屠宰师和面包师 / Butchers and bakers
- 634 个人和客户服务专业职业 / Specialized occupations in personal and customer services
- 6341* 发型师和理发师 / Hairstylists and barbers(B)
- 6342 裁缝,裁缝,皮货和女帽 / Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners(B)
- 6343 擦鞋维修和鞋匠 / Shoe repairers and shoemakers(B)
- 6344 珠宝商,珠宝及钟表维修及相关行业 / Jewellers, jewellery and watch repairers and related occupations(B)
- 6345 装潢商 / Upholsterers(B)
- 6346* 殡仪董事和尸体防腐者 / Funeral directors and embalmers(B)
- 631 服务主管 / Service supervisors
- 64 销售代表和销售人员-批发和零售贸易 / Sales representatives and salespersons - wholesale and retail trade
- 65 客户服务代表和其他客户和个人服务职业 / Service representatives and other customer and personal services occupations
- 651 食品和饮料服务职业 / Occupations in food and beverage service
- 652 旅行和住宿行业职业 / Occupations in travel and accommodation
- 653 旅游和娱乐服务职业 / Tourism and amusement services occupations
- 654 保安人员和相关的安全服务职业 / Security guards and related security service occupations
- 6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业 / Security guards and related security service occupations©
- 655 客户和信息服务代表 / Customer and information services representatives
- 656 其他个人服务职业 / Other occupations in personal service
- 66 销售支持职业 / Sales support occupations
- 67 服务支持以及其他服务职业 / Service support and other service occupations, n.e.c.
- 671 食品柜台服务员、厨房帮工和相关的支持工作 / Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
- 6711 食品柜台服务员,厨房助手和相关支持职业 / Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations(D)
- 672 住宿、旅行和娱乐服务支持职业 / Support occupations in accommodation, travel and amusement services
- 673 清洁人员 / Cleaners
- 674 其他服务支持和相关职业 / Other service support and related occupations, n.e.c.
- 671 食品柜台服务员、厨房帮工和相关的支持工作 / Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
- 7 贸易、运输和设备操作和相关的职业 / Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
- 8 自然资源、农业及相关生产职业 / Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations