122 行政和监管职业 Administrative and regulatory occupations - 新移民攻略-加拿大
- 1 商业、财务和行政职位 / Business, finance and administration occupations
- 12 行政和财务主管和行政职业 / Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations
- 122 行政和监管职业 / Administrative and regulatory occupations
- 1221 行政人员 / Administrative officers(B)
- 1222 行政助理 / Executive assistants(B)
- 1223* 人力资源和招聘顾问 / Human resources and recruitment officers(B)
- 1224 物业管理员 / Property administrators(B)
- 1225 采购代理人员 / Purchasing agents and officers(B)
- 1226 会议和活动策划 / Conference and event planners(B)
- 1227* 法院人员和治安法官 / Court officers and justices of the peace(B)
- 1228* 就业保险,移民,边境服务和缉私关员 / Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers(B)
- 122 行政和监管职业 / Administrative and regulatory occupations
- 12 行政和财务主管和行政职业 / Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations